====== Neu in MIKE URBAN Version 2014 ====== ===== Modellmanager ===== ==== Datenbearbeitung und Dateiformate ==== * Based on ArcGIS 10.1 * Improved navigation for large networks by the use of the Network Overview Mode ==== Erstellen und Pflegen von Modellen ==== * Improved Model Configuration tool (sorting and filtering, improvement of the log file) * Change in the Simplification tool to keep the RTC elements * Improved Result Verification tool * Creation of a tool to display disconnected loads ===== Speziell für die Kanalnetzberechung mit MOUSE oder MIKE 1D ===== ==== MIKE 1D ==== * Possibility to view MIKE 1D Results in MIKE URBAN * Ability to run an Advection-Dispersion (AD) simulation * CRF-files can be use as input for a MIKE 1D Network simulation * Possibility to export MIKE URBAN database in a .m1dx-file read by MIKE 1D engine ==== 2D Overland Flow ==== * Possibility to save Flux result type * 2D Outputs dialogue can be accessed from '2D result' button found under the "Network parameter" tab of the Computation dialogue * 2D Outputs are saved in a folder named Result Files * Flood map animation is smoother ===== Speziell für die Kanalnetzberechung mit SWMM5 ===== * Possibility to partially load SWMM5 results. ===== MIKE URBAN 2014 Service Pack 3, Februar 2015 ===== Please note that the service packs are accumulative, i.e. corrections and fixes released with a previous service pack are included in the newest service pack as well. | **Module/type** | **Error/Inconvenience/New feature** | **Status** | |Editing| * Changing language would leave the TOC un-translated unless the .mup file was saved\\ * When splitting a pipe, the slope of the downstream pipe would sometimes be set incorrectly |Fixed| |MOUSE| * Multiple MOUSE engines reading the same CRF file at the same time would result in a crash. Now, an appropriate error message has been included and the engine will not crash\\ * Flap gate specified for a weir close to an outlet did not have any effect on the model initialisation. This has been fixed |Fixed| |MIKE 1D| * Fixed potential crash when running LTS simulations with max inflow conditions |Fixed| |EPANET| * Redistribute button in Demand Statistic did not work correctly when changing the simulation period\\ * Fixed situation where the engine would not get the list of nodes when "Use all nodes" was selected for the Fire Flow analysis\\ * Fixed problem when using GDB database and selections during\\ * Fire Flow analysis Fire flow results could sometimes change if the set of nodes included in the simulation changed (the active selection) |Fixed| |Results| * The name of result comparison layers now reflects the two results being compared\\ * Fixed crash when loading DFS2 files with German ArcGIS installed |Fixed| |MIKE FLOOD| * The diverted runoff is now included in the summary for coupled simulation. This helps to interpret the continuity balance |Fixed| |Tools| * A potential crash when merging catchments was fixed |Fixed| |Misc| * Increase maximum process size on 64 bit Windows. MIKE URBAN can now use upt o 4 GB of memory on 64 bit Windows. This allows loading of larger result files\\ * Using a selection list in LTS job list generation now works\\ * Configuration of longitudinal profiles with flags would sometimes remove lines in the list of lines. This has been fixed\\ * MOUSE errors when coupling to MIKE SHE will now be properly routed to MIKE SHE\\ * Removed option to import .mex files since this only worked for old .mex files.\\ * Report time that node water level is above critical level in the HTML summary file |Fixed| ===== MIKE URBAN 2014 Service Pack 2, September 2014 ===== Please note that the service packs are accumulative, i.e. corrections and fixes released with a previous service pack are included in the newest service pack as well. To use Fire Flow for more hydrants in one time (simultaneously), a change to the database is required. This change is not included in SP2 but will have to be applied manually. This can be done from within MS Access: Add the following field to the mw_fireflow table: * Field name: UseSimultaneousNo * Date Type: number (Integer) or from within ArcMAP: * Start ArcMap * Add mw_fireflow table from the model you want to use for simultaneous fire flow * Open the table from the Table of Contents * Click "Add Field" using the Table toolbar * Define the following properties for the new field: Name: "UseSimultaneousNo", Type: ShortInteger * Close the table and close ArcMap ^ Module/type ^ Error/Inconvenience/New feature ^ Status ^ |Editing| * Selection file for load allocation is not working\\ * 2D results dialog are not synchonized with the simulation dialog when opened\\ * SWMM: Disable the SideSlope field when the Weir type is V-Notch\\ * The Place option to connect several Load Allocations is not working\\ * Simulation Duration and End time spontaneously change without warning |Fixed| |Import/Export| * Export of pump capacity curve with power does not respect the unit\\ * PCS: Support of Excel 2010 is required to handle more than 63 pumps |Fixed| |Longitudinal profile| * Problem with longitudinal profiles when more than one Result File is loaded\\ * LP is wrongly displayed: Diameter is much too large |Fixed| |MOUSE| * WATS Module is using the wrong slope in the equations\\ * Coordinates used for rainfall boundary not used correctly\\ * If an outlet is connected to a pipe with negative slope then water is filling up the network from the outlet.\\ * The option ALTERNATIVELOWFLOW = 1 is per default activated when running a 1D simulation but not a 1D-2D\\ * MU MOUSE LTS: if hot start is used, standard result file must be saved\\ * Error reading hotstart file wrong causes the simulation to becomes unstable\\ * Undefined error occurs when using water age boundary without water age simulation\\ * Errors in implementation of Hydrogen Sulphide feature |Fixed| |EPANET| * Pump field (mw_Pump.Par6) is not exported correctly (Comma/Dot issue)\\ * Cannot run Fire Flow for more hydrants in one time (simultaneously)\\ * Wall thickness calculation wrong\\ * Fire flow setting dialog enable / disable logic errors\\ * Minimum residual pressure is very high when it should be zero\\ * The Rule based control does not access the comma as decimal separator |Fixed| |Results| * Random series added to Results TS drawing\\ * Wrong units shown for Water Quality results files from MOUSE engine\\ * Displaying Time Series based on a selection displays more time series than it should\\ * Crash when using selection set for loading results |Fixed| |Demands| * "Reset existing node demands" doesn't work in "Assign demands to multiple demands" |Fixed| |MIKE FLOOD| * Using decimals for the cell size creates incorrect and inconsisten dfs2 when running 1D-2D overland simulation\\ * Cannot run a 2D overland flow simulation because the Coarse bathymetry is not generated correctly |Fixed| |Tools| * Result verification fails when trying to compare res1d and .PRF files\\ * "Regenerate catchment connections" fails to generate correctly specified catchment connections\\ * The result Statistics are not correctly calculated on a Result Comparison\\ * Model Configuration: The tool reports diffferences that are not there |Fixed| |Misc| * Scenario manager name not properly updated in the window's title bar after changing active scenario\\ * Runoff model B behaves diferently in MU 2012 and 2014 than it did in MU 201\\ * Error when using a combination of 'AD' simulation and 'CRF file' connected through the Boundary Connection Item specification |Fixed| ===== MIKE URBAN 2014 Service Pack 1, April 2014 ===== Please note that the service packs are accumulative, i.e. corrections and fixes released with a previous service pack are included in the newest service pack as well. ^ Module/type ^ Error/Inconvenience/New feature ^ Status ^ |Editing|* Digitize rectangle functionality can cause a crash\\ * Unselect nodes does not work after loading selection\\ * When editing elements in for example link table in the "show selected" mode, editing becomes unavailable after changing forth and back\\ * Possible crash when creating a link (from the map) with Polish language\\ * The visualization of the BC in the TOC is not updated when adding a new BC |Fixed| |Import/Export|* Selection files would select random nodes when node IDs in the selection file do not exist\\ * Cannot add a dfs2-file in ArcMap\\ * Cannot export msm_BItem to Excel\\ * Missing Item type for Time series\\ * Possible crash when loading selection file |Fixed| |Longitudinal profile|* Link diameter sometimes set to very high value\\ * Each time you run a simulation and load the results, two new grphical items are added in the Longitudinal Profile\\ * Save layout will incorrectly save result file names\\ * It is possible to draw a profile through disconnected pipes |Fixed| |MIKE 1D|* License check in the MIKE 1D control module if only MIKE URBAN LinkRegulation and WellSetPoint are used\\ * Runoff Sensor is not supported\\ * Error check for catchment discharge calculations detects problems associated with a Rainfall Runoff model |Fixed| |MOUSE|* Simulation Summary, Spilling Node table: Remove "Surcharge" and "RDII Overflow" columns if not being calculated\\ * ST calculation can hang when a pipe becomes filled by sediment\\ * LTS simulation: Job list generation fails for specific rain data format\\ * Error in initialisation of pressurised network and number of gridpoints in gravity pipes\\ * The accumulated mass values of AD components reported by MOUSE are incorrect\\ * Blocking time in MOUSE RTC does not work correct for Valves |Fixed| |EPANET|* PID algorithm not working properly\\ * Fire flow Q-H curve to be computed for partial range\\ * Extended period simulation: Progress informatioon not displayed on the simulation prgress pop-up window\\ * Importing a .inp duplicates the Tank and Reservoir if the Mixing is specified\\ * Boundary condition cannot correctly display in map\\ * Fire flow setting dialog enable / disable logic errors |Fixed| |Results|* Cannot load results if the time step for saving the results is set to 0,083h |Fixed| |Demands|* Cannot regenerate the Load allocations and Demand allocations connections |Fixed| |Tools|* Catchment Processing failing with a specific polygon shape\\ * The show Connected Catchment tools does not check that a node defined in the catchment connection does actually exist\\ * Trimming does not work with GDB-setup\\ * Result Verification with MIKE 1D results: the 'Set Max time' does not work\\ * Result Verification can shows difference for two identical PRF files\\ * Rename a scenario does not update the scenario name in simulation ID |Fixed| |Misc|* M11extraWin tool: Command line arguments for Additional parameters are handled correctly\\ * The license system memory consumption causes crashes when used very intensively, such as for operational systems\\ * Crash for a general SQL command\\ * Documentation: Change the coefficient of the Lag Time formulation |Fixed|