====== Neu in Release 2019 Update 1 ===== ^ Modul/Typ ^ Neues Feature/Fehler ^ Status ^ |General |MIKE URBAN is updated to ArcGIS 10.7 |New Feature | |General |MIKE URBAN updated to support SWMM5.1.013 |New Feature | |MIKE 1D |MIKE 1D gridded rain, dfs2 orientation in degrees used as radians |Fixed | |::: |MIKE 1D does not read BRANCH_MIN_H_REL and BRANCH_MIN_H_ABS from dhiapp.ini |Fixed | |::: |Volume available for pumping includes discharge from connected structures |Fixed | |::: |Runtime stop criterion type "Filling degree" does not work with weirs/orifices/pumps in MIKE 1D |Fixed| |::: |MIKE 1D ignores max-min timestep parameter in the joblist file of LTS calculation |Fixed | |Model Manager |Simplification Wizard does not visualize new demand allocation connection lines correctly |Fixed | |::: |Remove multiple results at one click in MIKE URBAN Longitudinal Profiles |Fixed | |Model Manager (EPANET) |Simplification Wizard, demands not moved downstream when there are two or more demands connected to a junction. |Fixed | |CS-Pipe Flow |Suffix “CatchmentDischarge” is added to the catchment MUID disabling MIKE1D from reading the information in Boundary Conditions |Fixed | |Model Manager (SWMM5) |Example1 cannot complete simulation with latest SWMM5 engine version |Fixed | |::: |Crash when trying to browse a file to import in a specific combination in the Import / Export wizard |Fixed | |::: |Exception error when trying to import from specific inp file |Fixed | |::: |Catchment Slope and Length: Exception error when clicking No in the Warning dialog |Fixed | |Model Manager |Can't load specific MIKE 1D rainfall runoff result file |Fixed | |::: |Path for Long profile is not fully controllable and wrong path is loaded |Fixed | |:::|MU DFS2 support does not work with ArcGIS 10.6.1 |Fixed | |Model Manager (EPANET) |Demand Statistic dialog does not have copy/paste options |Fixed | |Model Manager (MOUSE/MIKE1D) |Curves and Relations Dialog, The third column 'As' is not hidden, appears in all curves that should only have two columns |Fixed | |CS-Pipe Flow (MIKE 1D) |MIKE 1D merges the catchment ID and the linked boundary condition type into a single non existing MUID when aiming to run the RDI simulation - causing the simulation to stop |Fixed | |::: |Cannot derive some results from MIKE 1D network calculation results *.res1d |Fixed | |Model Manager |MU Project Check Tool does not check for duplicate node MUIDs |Fixed | |CS-Pipe Flow |Error that MIKE URBAN loads a MIKE 1D result file as soon as a simulation is started, if the previous result file is stored in the same folder as the setup |Fixed | |Model Manager (EPANET) |PID Control dialog - attributes missing in the "Tools / Customize / Custom Units", mw_PID |Fixed | |Model Manager (MIKE1D) |Problems with MOUSE engine after upgrading a model from MIKE URBAN 2016 to MIKE URBAN 2017 |Fixed | |Model Manager |Problem with SWQ Editor functionality with linking to specified Q-H relation specified in GUI |Fixed | |CS-Pipe Flow |MIKE URBAN - UHM model result incorrect if simulation time shorter than lag time |Fixed | |Model Manager (EPANET) |Option for user defined prefix for MUIDs when adding new features |Fixed | |Model Manager (SWMM5) |Export of transect X and Z values are swapped |Fixed | |CS-Pipe Flow (MIKE 1D, LTS) |MIKE 1D LTS: including AD statistics [Discharge_Load_Out] is ommitted from ERF file |Fixed | |CS-Pipe Flow (MIKE 1D, LTS) |MIKE 1D LTS: statistics for AD components not related to event definition |Fixed | |CS-Pipe Flow (MIKE1D) |MIKE 1D truncates RTCFunction.TSConnection1 |Fixed | | |mdb template (Primary) should be exported to gdb template. |Fixed | |Model Manager |Option for user defined prefix for MUIDS when adding new features. |Fixed | |Model Manager (SWMM5) |Problem with loading result items |Fixed | |Model Manager (EPANET) |The greyed out field beside diameter displaying "diameter - diameter - wall thickness" should be "diameter = diameter – 2 * wall thickness". |Fixed | |Model Manager (2D Flood) |Changes to the SimulationID does not change the result filename for the .dfs2 in flood simulation causing overwrite of existing result files |Fixed | |::: |Generate Fish Extent causes MIKE URBAN crash, if decimal separator is set to comma and not dot |Fixed | |::: |Changing the Node ID does not cascade to changing the Node ID for the coupled cells |Fixed | |Model Manager |Update of catchment parameters fails (msm_HModA) in the Import / Export tools |Fixed | |Model Manager (2D FLOOD) |"Node Water Level" result list for MIKE 1D flood results viewed in MIKE URBAN incorrectly offers both node and M21 node levels |Fixed | |Model Manager |Export to ISYBAU format is not working |Fixed | |Model Manager |The volume graph for basin storage should be drawn based on calculating many points covering the range of the specified table |Fixed | |Model Manager (CS-Pipe Flow) |MIKE URBAN and ECOLAB - editing built-in constants. The editor field "Global value" (attribute msm_EcolabCoeffvalue) should be disabled if msm_EcolabBuildInID <> -1, which means the values come directly from ECO Lab |Fixed | |Model Manager (CS-Pipe Flow) |Improvement of the syntax in the LTS statistics result file ERF |Fixed | |::: |Problem with MIKE1D engine writing LTS result file ERF in binary format |Fixed | |Model Manager (SWMM5) |SWMM5 should support routing steps in decimals |Fixed | |Model Manager (CS-Pollution Transport) |Catchment processing SWQ concentrations: the tool does not work for multiple components |Fixed | |Model Manager |After MIKE 1D simulations, result files are not auto loaded |Fixed | |Model Manager (2D FLOOD) |Error in 2D OverlandFlow Example with reading Band_1 in DEM.dfs2 |Fixed | |Model Manager (CS-Pipe Flow) |Error in MIKE1D engine requiring a Q-H relation table having at least three entries specified – two entries is enough |Fixed | ====== Neu in MIKE URBAN Version 2019 ====== ^ Modul/Typ ^ Neues Feature/Fehler ^ Status ^ |Import/Export |Export to ISYBAU format is not working |New Feature | |Model Manager |mdb template (Primary) should be exported to gdb template. |Fixed | |::: |MU DFS2 support does not work with ArcGIS 10.6.1 |Fixed | |::: |Option for user defined prefix for MUIDS when adding new features. |New Feature | |::: |Path for Long profile is not fully controllable and wrong path is loaded |Fixed | |::: |Remove multiple results at one click in MIKE URBAN Longitudinal Profiles |Fixed | |Model Manager Tools |Simplification Wizard, demands not moved downstream when there are two or more demands connected to a junction. |Fixed | |::: |Simplification Wizard does not visualize new demand allocation connection lines correctly |Fixed | |::: |MU Project Check Tool does not check for duplicate node MUIDs |Fixed | |Collection System |Curves and Relations Dialog, The third column 'As' is not hidden, appears in all curves that should only have two columns |Fixed | |::: |MIKE URBAN - UHM model result incorrect if simulation time shorter than lag time |Fixed | |::: |Problems with MOUSE engine after upgrading a model from MIKE URBAN 2016 to MIKE URBAN 2017 |Fixed | |::: |The volume graph for basin storage should be drawn based on calculating many points covering the range of the specified table |Fixed | |::: |Update of catchment parameters fails (msm_HModA) in the Import / Export tools |Fixed | |::: |Problem with SWQ Editor functionality with linking to specified Q-H relation specified in GUI |Fixed | |::: |Catchment processing SWQ concentrations: the tool does not work for multiple components |Fixed | |::: |MIKE URBAN and ECOLAB - editing built-in constants. The editor field "Global value" (attribute msm_EcolabCoeffvalue) should be disabled if msm_EcolabBuildInID <> -1, which means the values come directly from ECO Lab |Fixed | |MIKE 1D |Suffix “CatchmentDischarge” is added to the catchment MUID disabling MIKE1D from reading the information in Boundary Conditions |Fixed | |::: |After MIKE 1D simulations, result files are not auto loaded |Fixed | |::: |Can't load specific MIKE 1D rainfall runoff result file |Fixed | |::: |MIKE 1D merges the catchment ID and the linked boundary condition type into a single non existing MUID when aiming to run the RDI simulation - causing the simulation to stop |Fixed | |::: |Cannot derive some results from MIKE 1D network calculation results *.res1d |Fixed | |::: |Error in MIKE1D engine requiring a Q-H relation table having at least three entries specified -- two entries is enough |Fixed | |::: |Error that MIKE URBAN loads a MIKE 1D result file as soon as a simulation is started, if the previous result file is stored in the same folder as the setup |Fixed | |::: |MIKE 1D truncates RTCFunction.TSConnection1 |Fixed | |LTS |Improvement of the syntax in the LTS statistics result file ERF |Fixed | |MIKE 1D LTS |Including AD statistics [Discharge_Load_Out] is ommitted from ERF file |Fixed | |::: |Problem with MIKE1D engine writing LTS result file ERF in binary format |Fixed | |::: |Statistics for AD components not related to event definition |Fixed | |Water Distribution |PID Control dialog - attributes missing in the "Tools %% |%% Customize %% |%% Custom Units", mw_PID |Fixed | |::: |The greyed out field beside diameter displaying "diameter - diameter - wall thickness" should be "diameter = diameter -- 2 * wall thickness". |Fixed | |EPANET |Demand Statistic dialog does not have copy/paste options |Fixed | |::: |Option for user defined prefix for MUIDs when adding new features |Fixed | |SWMM5 |SWMM5 should support routing steps in decimals |Fixed | |::: |Catchment Slope and Length: Exception error when clicking No in the Warning dialog |Fixed | |::: |Crash when trying to browse a file to import in a specific combination in the Import / Export wizard |Fixed | |::: |Example1 cannot complete simulation with latest SWMM5 engine version |Fixed | |::: |Exception error when trying to import from specific inp file |Fixed | |::: |Export of transect X and Z values are swapped |Fixed | |::: |Problem with loading result items |Fixed | |2D FLOOD |"Node Water Level" result list for MIKE 1D flood results viewed in MIKE URBAN incorrectly offers both node and M21 node levels |Fixed | |::: |Changes to the SimulationID does not change the result filename for the .dfs2 in flood simulation causing overwrite of existing result files |Fixed | |::: |Changing the Node ID does not cascade to changing the Node ID for the coupled cells |Fixed | |::: |Error in 2D OverlandFlow Example with reading Band_1 in DEM.dfs2 |Fixed | |::: |Generate Fish Extent causes MIKE URBAN crash, if decimal separator is set to comma and not dot |Fixed |