
Neu in MIKE URBAN Version 2014


Datenbearbeitung und Dateiformate

Erstellen und Pflegen von Modellen

Speziell für die Kanalnetzberechung mit MOUSE oder MIKE 1D


2D Overland Flow

Speziell für die Kanalnetzberechung mit SWMM5

MIKE URBAN 2014 Service Pack 3, Februar 2015

Please note that the service packs are accumulative, i.e. corrections and fixes released with a previous service pack are included in the newest service pack as well.

Module/type Error/Inconvenience/New feature Status
Editing * Changing language would leave the TOC un-translated unless the .mup file was saved
* When splitting a pipe, the slope of the downstream pipe would sometimes be set incorrectly
MOUSE * Multiple MOUSE engines reading the same CRF file at the same time would result in a crash. Now, an appropriate error message has been included and the engine will not crash
* Flap gate specified for a weir close to an outlet did not have any effect on the model initialisation. This has been fixed
MIKE 1D * Fixed potential crash when running LTS simulations with max inflow conditions Fixed
EPANET * Redistribute button in Demand Statistic did not work correctly when changing the simulation period
* Fixed situation where the engine would not get the list of nodes when "Use all nodes" was selected for the Fire Flow analysis
* Fixed problem when using GDB database and selections during
* Fire Flow analysis Fire flow results could sometimes change if the set of nodes included in the simulation changed (the active selection)
Results * The name of result comparison layers now reflects the two results being compared
* Fixed crash when loading DFS2 files with German ArcGIS installed
MIKE FLOOD * The diverted runoff is now included in the summary for coupled simulation. This helps to interpret the continuity balance Fixed
Tools * A potential crash when merging catchments was fixed Fixed
Misc * Increase maximum process size on 64 bit Windows. MIKE URBAN can now use upt o 4 GB of memory on 64 bit Windows. This allows loading of larger result files
* Using a selection list in LTS job list generation now works
* Configuration of longitudinal profiles with flags would sometimes remove lines in the list of lines. This has been fixed
* MOUSE errors when coupling to MIKE SHE will now be properly routed to MIKE SHE
* Removed option to import .mex files since this only worked for old .mex files.
* Report time that node water level is above critical level in the HTML summary file

MIKE URBAN 2014 Service Pack 2, September 2014

Please note that the service packs are accumulative, i.e. corrections and fixes released with a previous service pack are included in the newest service pack as well.

To use Fire Flow for more hydrants in one time (simultaneously), a change to the database is required. This change is not included in SP2 but will have to be applied manually. This can be done from within MS Access: Add the following field to the mw_fireflow table:

or from within ArcMAP:

Module/type Error/Inconvenience/New feature Status
Editing * Selection file for load allocation is not working
* 2D results dialog are not synchonized with the simulation dialog when opened
* SWMM: Disable the SideSlope field when the Weir type is V-Notch
* The Place option to connect several Load Allocations is not working
* Simulation Duration and End time spontaneously change without warning
Import/Export * Export of pump capacity curve with power does not respect the unit
* PCS: Support of Excel 2010 is required to handle more than 63 pumps
Longitudinal profile * Problem with longitudinal profiles when more than one Result File is loaded
* LP is wrongly displayed: Diameter is much too large
MOUSE * WATS Module is using the wrong slope in the equations
* Coordinates used for rainfall boundary not used correctly
* If an outlet is connected to a pipe with negative slope then water is filling up the network from the outlet.
* The option ALTERNATIVELOWFLOW = 1 is per default activated when running a 1D simulation but not a 1D-2D
* MU MOUSE LTS: if hot start is used, standard result file must be saved
* Error reading hotstart file wrong causes the simulation to becomes unstable
* Undefined error occurs when using water age boundary without water age simulation
* Errors in implementation of Hydrogen Sulphide feature
EPANET * Pump field (mw_Pump.Par6) is not exported correctly (Comma/Dot issue)
* Cannot run Fire Flow for more hydrants in one time (simultaneously)
* Wall thickness calculation wrong
* Fire flow setting dialog enable / disable logic errors
* Minimum residual pressure is very high when it should be zero
* The Rule based control does not access the comma as decimal separator
Results * Random series added to Results TS drawing
* Wrong units shown for Water Quality results files from MOUSE engine
* Displaying Time Series based on a selection displays more time series than it should
* Crash when using selection set for loading results
Demands * "Reset existing node demands" doesn't work in "Assign demands to multiple demands" Fixed
MIKE FLOOD * Using decimals for the cell size creates incorrect and inconsisten dfs2 when running 1D-2D overland simulation
* Cannot run a 2D overland flow simulation because the Coarse bathymetry is not generated correctly
Tools * Result verification fails when trying to compare res1d and .PRF files
* "Regenerate catchment connections" fails to generate correctly specified catchment connections
* The result Statistics are not correctly calculated on a Result Comparison
* Model Configuration: The tool reports diffferences that are not there
Misc * Scenario manager name not properly updated in the window's title bar after changing active scenario
* Runoff model B behaves diferently in MU 2012 and 2014 than it did in MU 201
* Error when using a combination of 'AD' simulation and 'CRF file' connected through the Boundary Connection Item specification

MIKE URBAN 2014 Service Pack 1, April 2014

Please note that the service packs are accumulative, i.e. corrections and fixes released with a previous service pack are included in the newest service pack as well.

Module/type Error/Inconvenience/New feature Status
Editing* Digitize rectangle functionality can cause a crash
* Unselect nodes does not work after loading selection
* When editing elements in for example link table in the "show selected" mode, editing becomes unavailable after changing forth and back
* Possible crash when creating a link (from the map) with Polish language
* The visualization of the BC in the TOC is not updated when adding a new BC
Import/Export* Selection files would select random nodes when node IDs in the selection file do not exist
* Cannot add a dfs2-file in ArcMap
* Cannot export msm_BItem to Excel
* Missing Item type for Time series
* Possible crash when loading selection file
Longitudinal profile* Link diameter sometimes set to very high value
* Each time you run a simulation and load the results, two new grphical items are added in the Longitudinal Profile
* Save layout will incorrectly save result file names
* It is possible to draw a profile through disconnected pipes
MIKE 1D* License check in the MIKE 1D control module if only MIKE URBAN LinkRegulation and WellSetPoint are used
* Runoff Sensor is not supported
* Error check for catchment discharge calculations detects problems associated with a Rainfall Runoff model
MOUSE* Simulation Summary, Spilling Node table: Remove "Surcharge" and "RDII Overflow" columns if not being calculated
* ST calculation can hang when a pipe becomes filled by sediment
* LTS simulation: Job list generation fails for specific rain data format
* Error in initialisation of pressurised network and number of gridpoints in gravity pipes
* The accumulated mass values of AD components reported by MOUSE are incorrect
* Blocking time in MOUSE RTC does not work correct for Valves
EPANET* PID algorithm not working properly
* Fire flow Q-H curve to be computed for partial range
* Extended period simulation: Progress informatioon not displayed on the simulation prgress pop-up window
* Importing a .inp duplicates the Tank and Reservoir if the Mixing is specified
* Boundary condition cannot correctly display in map
* Fire flow setting dialog enable / disable logic errors
Results* Cannot load results if the time step for saving the results is set to 0,083h Fixed
Demands* Cannot regenerate the Load allocations and Demand allocations connections Fixed
Tools* Catchment Processing failing with a specific polygon shape
* The show Connected Catchment tools does not check that a node defined in the catchment connection does actually exist
* Trimming does not work with GDB-setup
* Result Verification with MIKE 1D results: the 'Set Max time' does not work
* Result Verification can shows difference for two identical PRF files
* Rename a scenario does not update the scenario name in simulation ID
Misc* M11extraWin tool: Command line arguments for Additional parameters are handled correctly
* The license system memory consumption causes crashes when used very intensively, such as for operational systems
* Crash for a general SQL command
* Documentation: Change the coefficient of the Lag Time formulation