
Neu in MIKE URBAN Version 2016

Naturnahe Regenwasserbewirtschaftung

Grüne Infrastruktur ist ein unerlässliches Element, um den Folgen des Klimawandels zu begegnen, eine intakte Umwelt zu erhalten und die Lebensqualität in urbanen Räumen zu steigern.

Die neuen Funktionen im MIKE URBAN 2016 ermöglichen es Ihnen, nachhaltige Infrastrukturelemente zu planen:



Erstellen und Pflegen von Modellen



MIKE URBAN 2016 Service Pack 3, November 2016

Modul/Typ Fehler/Neues Feature Status
 MIKE 1D Infiltration flow and wetting loss reservoir have been improved for the Kinematic Wave (B) runoff modelFixed
 MIKE 1D Improved handling of catchment with extremely low slopes. A limit of 1 per mille has been set as lower limitFixed
 MIKE 1D MIKE 1D MU-RR: RDI+A/B with dedicated rain has been assigned correctlyFixed
 MIKE 1D The engine has been enhanced to extrapolate CRS section when water level are higher in open channelsNew Feature
 MIKE 1D A validation check has been added, enforcing that Colebrook White is only valid for circular cross sections.Fixed
 MIKE 1D Coupling of basin and soak-away nodes to 2D is now possible with MIKE1DFixed
 MIKE 1D Runoff model B result file has been optimized to create significantly smaller results and running faster by means smart dry time stepping implementationFixed
Model Manager An exception has been eliminated when importing links with topology tickedFixed
Model Manager Catchment connection wizard includes Soak-away nodesFixed
Model Manager Specification of units during import process has been enabled.Fixed
Model Manager Calibration plots and reports tool has been updated to handle network res1D results.Fixed
Model Manager Pipe Design Wizard has been enabled to create an ADP file for the mode “Individual”Fixed
Collection system Problem with importing data from KMD2 files has been fixed.Fixed
Collection system Import of SWMM5 DWF patterns with “hourly” and “weekend” types into MIKE URBAN have been correctedFixed
Collection system The tool to convert SWMM Interface files to CRF files has been updated. As well as a problem reading SWMM.out files in the SWMM converter has been fixedFixed
2D Flooding MIKE URBAN Flood can load dfs2 results file when the time zone is set to Sydney time, which caused some problems before.Fixed
2D Flooding A problem with MIKE1D interpreting an internal node as an open boundary node  has been resolvedFixed
MOUSE engine MOUSE Engine should issue an error message if the field ’Discharge coeff’ in the Orifice dialog is left emptyFixed
MOUSE engine MOUSE/MSHE coupling has been updatedFixed
Water Distribution Improved checked of program files.Fixed
Water Distribution Handling of pressure units’ conversion has been improved.Fixed
Documentation Updated information on LID control units.Fixed

MIKE URBAN 2016 Service Pack 2, April 2016

Modul/Typ Fehler/Neues Feature Status
Model Manager and MIKE 1D * Enhanced to handle all CRS X-Z OPEN type curves
* Validation updates has been assigned to pump structures
* Hydrological model B (kinematic wave) handling long timespans
* Running Model A running long series of rain events
* The entries simulation time is included in the job list created fil, the .mjl file has been improved.
Collection system * Various issues in SWMM has been fixed which enables complete export of side-flow weirs setups
* Catchment dialog grid has been redesigned to fit in different screen resolutions
Collection system Drainage for bio-retention cells is fully supported - LIDsNew Feature
Documentation Documentation regarding curb inlets (2D coupling) has been updatedFixed
General * Scenario Manager handling differences in datatypes between scenarios
* The KMD2 time series bridge handling data with multiple digits
* Result verification has been enabled to compare res1d with PRF files
Model Configuration Tool to apply and update errors when working with conflict flagsFixed
Project check tool Soakaway type node is now supported and includedNew feature
Water Distribution The algorithm for Water Hammer has been fixed to avoid oscillations and crashes while adding check valves in the analysisFix

MIKE URBAN 2016 Service Pack 1, Jänner 2016

Modul/Typ Fehler/Neues Feature Status
Model Manager and MIKE 1DAdded support for Low Impact Development: Bio-retention cell, porous pavement, infiltration trench, rain barrel, vegetative swale, rain garden, green roofNew feature
GIS extensionsUnable to load DFS2 files into ArcMAPFixed
DocumentationMissing link to MIKE URBAN dedicated ECOLab template in documentation indexFixed

MIKE URBAN 2016, Dezember 2015

Modul/Typ Fehler/Neues Feature Status
Model Manager * Fehlerprüfung meldet nicht-kritische Tagesganglinien als Fehler Fixed
Flooding * Kopplung zu nicht existierenden Zellen irrtümlich möglich bei der Verbindung von MIKE 21 FM Fixed
MIKE 1D engine * MIKE 1D kann das Colebrook-White Widerstandsgesetz nicht mit Rückschlagventilen kombinieren Fixed
Model Manager * Wenn MIKE URBAN im minimierten Modus geschlossen wurde, öffnete es sich ebenfalls minimiert. Fixed
Model Manager * Die Orientierung im Wehreditor ist aktiviert wenn "Discharge coeff." definiert ist, auch wenn er nicht benutzt wird. Fixed
siehe Handbuch "CollectionSystem.pdf", Kapitel 9.3.1 "Choosing 2D model"