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Nodes and Structures Editor

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The “Nodes and Structures” editor makes it possible to define the ele- ments used to model manholes, outlets and basins in a CS MOUSE storm and sewer collection system.

The editor organizes the related input data into the following groups:

  • Identification - General identification and location information
  • MOUSE model data - Model related data
  • Basin Geometry - Geometry information
  • Q-H relation and Outlet head loss - Q-H relations and information on the head loss approach and coefficients
  • 2D overland flow - used for coupling to 2D flood (requires MIKE FLOOD license, see separate description on the 2D overland flow chapter)

MOUSE distinguishes between four types of nodes: circular manholes, basins, outlets and storage nodes. The same dialog is used for all four node categories, but the dialog adapts according to the selected node type.

Each node is geographically determined by 'x' and 'y' co-ordinates. The co-ordinates may be specified in any local co-ordinate system.

Manholes and basins are per default considered open at the top (Cover type equal to 'Normal'). This means, that when the water level in a node reaches the ground level, the water spills on the ground surface. In that case, MOUSE introduces an artificial basin on the top of the node, with a surface area 1000x larger than the node's surface. The surcharged water is stored in the basin, to be returned back into the sewer.

Alternatively, it is possible to specify a sealed/locked node (Cover type equal to 'Sealed'), i.e. a node with a fixed lid on the top - at the ground level - so water cannot escape although the pressure still builds up inside.

On the other hand, a node can be specified as a 'spilling' node (Cover type equal to 'Spilling'). In a spilling node, water escapes irreversibly from the model, if the water level reaches and exceeds the node's ground level (optionally set off by a 'buffer pressure level). The rate of spill is approxi- mated as a free overflow over the crest at a given level and with a "con- ceptual" crest length. For further details, see the MOUSE Pipe Flow Reference.

If inflow to a node from catchments is limited this can be modelled by specifying the ‘Max. Inflow’ parameter for the specific node. It is possible to get the information about the volume held back at the node due to the inflow limitation by adding an entry in the ‘dhiapp.ini’ file. Please refer to the documentation on this file for further information.

In the tables given below each data variable is described shortly and if it is required as input.

Identification group

Table 3.1 The edit fields in the Identification group

Edit field Description Used or required by simulations Field name in datastructure
Asset ID Reference to an ID used in external data sources No AssetName
Datasource Reference to an external data source (table ID) where the record has been imported from No DataSource
Node ID A unique name for the node. Up to 40Y characters (letters, numbers, blank spaces and underscore characters) Yes MUID
Model Associates the current node to a spec- ified submodel No SubModelNo
Description User's descriptive information related to the node No Description
PM Type Definition of the node´s role in the pressure main as the downstream point of the pressure main’s connec- tion to the network. Manholes and basins can be declared as a “Tail Node”. Please refer to the MOUSE Reference Manual (Pipe Flow) for further on pressure mains. Yes PMTypeNo
Tail level Water level (absolute elevation) in the "receiving node", used as lower boundary for permanently pressurized parts of the system. Please refer to the MOUSE Reference Manual (Pipe Flow) for further on pressure mains. Yes PMLevel
Status Data status for the entire record, serves for keeping track on the source of information No Element_S
Network type Attributes the link to a certain type of network. Used in cases when two or more different networks are included in the same project No NetTypeNo
X coordinate X coordinate of the node position Yes Shape_X
Y coordinate Y coordinate of the node position Yes Shape_Y
Links Number of links going to or from the node. Non-editable value. - -

MOUSE model data group

Table 3.2 The edit fields in the MOUSE model data group

Node type MOUSE Node Types:
1. Manhole - node with shaft and chamber storage
2. Basin
3. Outlet - node where water leaves the system (no storage)
4. Storage node
Yes TypeNo
Diameter Diameter of the manhole - not ena- bled for any other node types Yes Diameter
Ground level Ground level of the node Yes GroundLevel
Bottom level The bottom level of the manhole Yes InvertLevel
Critical level User defined critical level. Used in result presentations and in the Pipe Design module Yes CriticalLevel
[Tickmark] Activates the inlet delimiter function Yes InletControlNo
Max. Inflow Value of maximum possible inflow into the node from runoff Yes MaxInlet
Type Choose among available types:
1. Normal
2. Sealed
3. Spilling
Yes CoverTypeNo
Buffer pressure Buffer pressure is only active for type = spilling. Equal to the pressure above the ground level needed to cause spills from the manhole Yes BufferPressure
Spill coeff. Spill coefficient is only active for type = spilling. Controls the spill capacity Yes SpillCoeff
ID Reference to a tabulated area-eleva- tion function for the basin geometry. The H-column for the basin geometry can start at any value, e.g. 0.0 for interpretation of H as depth in the basin. The MOUSE Engine will asso- ciate the first H-value to the bottom level of the node. Yes GeometryID
[Tickmark] Switch for choice of the comp. method for hydraulic conditions at the outlet, in a manhole or basin. When toggled on uses Q-H tabulated func- tion, toggled off calculates on the basis of water level (see note below this table) Yes QHTypeNo
[Text string] Reference to a tabulated Q-H relation Yes OutletQHID
ID Reference to a head loss parameter set Yes LossParID
Method Method selected for the actual head loss parameter set - -
Use local data Switch for use of local head loss data Yes LossParNo
Coeff. Locally defined interpretation of head-loss coefficient. Km="shape coefficient", Cont. HLC=outlet con- traction head losshead loss coeff. (rel- ative to velocity head) , Total HLC = outlet total head losshead loss (rela- tive to velocity head) Yes LossTypeNo
[Field next to coeff field] Local value of loss coefficient Yes LossCoeff
Eff. flow area Locally defined choice of method for the calculation of wetted area Yes EffAreaNo

Q-H relations for nodes

Specifying a Q-H relation for an outlet controls When specifying a Q-H relation for a manhole o controls infiltration to the node. The Q-H relatio between the water level in the manhole (or basin The flow (Q) value in the Q-H relation should b when water enters the node and a negative value water from the network model.

Outlet head loss

If you wish to make changes to the head loss parameter set that you have made a reference to, you can change this by accessing MOUSE|Local Head Losses … The editor is shown in Figure 3.5.

mikeurban/menue/mouse_nodes.1401530611.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2014/05/31 12:03 von thomas