GUI: Tools | User Tools | Pipe Design Wizard
Manual: Collection System User Guide, section 12
The pipe design tool allows to create a MEX-file that can be used to import and update the elements in MIKE URBAN once the optimal set of values has been identified. A new pre-defined import job 'CS-Update From Pipe Design' has been created to allow for easy import from this MEX file.
GUI: EPANET | Measurement Stations, MOUSE | Measurement Stations, SWMM | Measurement Stations, Model Results | Calibration Plots and Reports
Manual: Model Manager User Guide, chapter 23
The Calibration Plots and Reports allow for an easy comparison and statistical analysis between simulation results and measured time series:
GUI: Tools| Result Verification
Documentation: The Result verification documentation is launched from the MIKE URBAN Documentation Index.
The MIKE URBAN 'Result Verification Tool' allows to compare results from hydraulic network computations produced by different variants of a collection system model. This could be comparison between results from a former version of the model and results from a new version updated with the latest information from an asset management system.
GUI: Tools | Toolbox, MOUSE | Catchment Tools | Catchment Slope and Length
Manual: Model Manager User Guide, chapter 21, MIKE URBAN Tutorials, section 2.3.
A new set of tools for improved usability especially when building a 1D/1D storm water model:
GUI: Simulation | Run MOUSE
Manual: Collection System User Guide, chapter 8, MIKE 1D reference manual and What is included in MIKE 1D document.
A new 1D engine, MIKE 1D, is released together with a 64 bit version of the MOUSE engine. A choice of numerical engine is hence offered when you start a simulation: The 32/64-bit version of the MOUSE engine and the MIKE 1D. The 64-bit version of the MOUSE engine is no longer constrained by the standard 32 bit OS limitation with respect to memory consumption. If working on a 32 bit OS the 32 bit engine version will be used. MIKE 1D is the new engine released for the first time with the 2012 release. The engine is parallelised and covers runoff and pipeflow in the first version. Please refer to separate documentation on MIKE 1D for details.
GUI: MOUSE | 2D Overland Flow
Manual: Collection System User Guide
The 2D overland flow features have been extended with:
GUI: Tools | Climate Change
Manual: Model Manager User Guide, chapter 18
Sea level rise included (if varying water level boundary is included)
GUI: EPANET | WD Tools | Advisor
Manual: Water Distribution User Guide, section 3.8.
Advisor is a set of tools designed to support the analysis of the water supply and water distribution systems. It helps you to check the results of the hydraulic simulations, understand system deficiencies, and improve design and operation. The following tools are included:
GUI: MOUSE/SWMM | Catchment Tools | Catchment Delineation Wizard
Manual: Model Manager User Guide, section 13.6.
Both network and DEM are taken into account in the catchment delineation.
Please note that the service packs are accumulative, i.e. corrections and fixes released with a previous service pack are included in the newest service pack as well.
Module/type | Error/Inconvenience/New feature | Status |
Result presentation | * Correction of the calculation of the derived results. * MIKE URBAN terminates when loading too large MOUSE or EPANET result file. Report of a maximum of 1.5GB free memory is added. * Link Gridpoints are not displayed in the Time Series. * Correction of EPANET result file loading. * Tab 'Flow arrows' added for absolute Flow. * TRF files from LTS simulations are not plotted correctly in MIKE View and MIKE URBAN. * Decimals are not shown when displaying pipe roughness in Longitudinal Profiles. * Status Codes are no available for displaying in Longitudinal Profiles. * Calibration Plots and Reports tool cannot generate more than 8 reports at a time. | Changed/Fixed |
Simplification wizard | * Slope is not reported with the actual unit. * Demands allocations not reconnected after merging a big setup. | Fixed |
2D Overland Flow | * Flux (P,Q) result types automatically saved. * Non-integer grid cell size are not handled correctly. * 'Fill missing values' option for the DEM not always working. | Changed/Fixed |
MOUSE | * Various improvements of error messages. * AD Boundaries of concentration type not handled correctly when connected to the same node. * Improvement of performance for AD simulations. * Time step of 1 second is not allowed for Time-Area runoff simulation. * Variable time step of less than 1 second is not allowed for HD simulation. * The accumulated volume for Runoff RDI is reported differently in the summary compared to MIKE View. * SRQ simulations is not possible for Runoff model C2. * Improvements for Pressurized Collection System simulations. | Changed/Fixed |
MIKE 1D | * Simulation cannot be re-run from the simulation launcher. * Structure with same name as a link ot other structures are not handled. * Control module is checked when you run a runoff simulation. * Adaptive timesteps can become negative. * Scenario is changed after exporting data. * Report is always in SI units. * Cross sections with duplicated sequence number are not handled. * Various error messages improved. | Changed/Fixed |
EPANET | * Various improvement of 'Pipe Criticality' tool. * 2011 and 2012 versions don't give the same results for EPANET after upgrading a 2011 setup. | Changed/Fixed |
Catchments & Catchment tools | * Catchment processing tool does not take into account catchment selection. * Cannot use the ESC button when starting splitting a catchment. * Improvement of the synchronization of HMod tables when inserting, merging and appending catchments. * Same catchment cannot be split twice. | Changed/Fixed |
Cross Section | * 'Processing data' option is not available for XZRM type cross sections . * Processed data can not be copied to clipboard. | Changed/Fixed |
Import/Export | * Olecheck error sometimes popping up when importing. * Scenario manager tables were included in the Append option when Restoring from .xml. * Various updates of documentation and on-line help. | Changed/Fixed |
Misc | * User defined tool cannot be added. * Geocoding load points not always working. * Scale for the annotations and labels corrected when exporting map to DXF. * Various updates of documentation and on-line help. * Various translation strings updated. * Hungarian language not available. * Save As not working correctly after having changed scenario. * Licenses not always released when closing MIKE URBAN. * Removal of unnecessary rules in Project Check tool. * Layer properties not updated after load if the layer is missing a LayerProperties component. | Changed/Fixed |
Please note that the service packs are accumulative, i.e. corrections and fixes released with a previous service pack are included in the newest service pack as well.
Module/type | Error/Inconvenience/New feature | Status |
Editing | Under Tools|Customize|General Settings you can choose to disable undo/redo information within edit sessions. Disabling this will decrease memory consumption. You need to restart MIKE URBAN before this change has any effect. | New feature |
Calibration Plots and Tools | Better handling of large datasets | Improved |
Import/Export | * OleDB storage option discontinued * Impossible to import Station in m_Station with the import wizard | Changed/Fixed |
Longitudinal profile | A secondary axis is generated when you plot the link discharge (or any other type of results) instead of using the same axis as before | Fixed |
MIKE 1D | * If you want to include the catchment discharge in the network simulation you need to explicitly provide the resultfile as an input file - similar to the runoff result file for MOUSE network simulations. New fields have been added to the simulation dialog to support this. * MIKE 1D cannot use a multiple dfs0-file in a boundary as defined by catchment. After the correction: If a boundary using "defined as catchment" has specified a file where the "time series ID" is filled by the user the time series with the specified ID is applied to all catchments. If the "Time series ID" is empty then each catchment connection will use the time series corresponding to the catchment name. Same functionality as for MOUSE engine. | Changed/Fixed |
MOUSE | * When the Pressure Main (PM) feature is used in the MOUSE engine the initial water level in the PM branch between the pumping station and the “Tail Node” is set equal to the defined tail node water level. The setting of the initial water level does not recognize valves as part of the PM branch. The result is that the water level is not initialized between any valve and the pumping station. After correction the water level will also be initialized through valves except for fully closed valves. | Fixed |
EPANET | * Possibility of partial load of result files from EPANET (new feature) * Simulation progress bar does not always update correctly during simulation * Demand statistics should use the information from the simulation period * Pressure Zone Mapping not always consistent | Fixed/New feature |
SWMM | * If disabling options in the "Process selection" group on the Project dialog the SWMM simulation would fail | Fixed |
Submodel manager | * Split operation has been optimized with respect to performance * Merge functionality does not handle Scenario Manager information correctly * 'Create Selection' option does not work | Improved/Fixed |
Demands | * The Aggregation tool in Demand Allocation does not transfer the Cyclic profile nor the Demand Category that means that you have to re-assign the cyclic profile manually in the Multiple Demand dialog * When using the option 'Assign demands to multiple demands', it does not take into account the option 'Use demand category', it always aggregates based on the category * Distributed demands: the functionality under the 'Node Demand Coefficients' tab not working. If no demand coefficient is specified, then no demand is distributed. If no Node Demand coefficient is entered then it should automatically distribute equally between the nodes * The demand allocation connections are not updated graphically when selecting the Pipe or the Node from the dialog. | Fixed |
Simplification wizard | * Scrubbing does not always select correct nodes and does not always delete those selected * Trimming when working on data set containing parallel pipes could cause process to terminate * Scrubbing removed pipes but not the corresponding nodes * When there is an existing selection the simplification is not executed * Reconnecting a catchment to the nearest node not always working * If the back button is used going past the "Select area of interest" the flags are cleared * Catchment would connect to outlets during automatic connection * After simplification where catchments have been moved the catchment connections are not regenerated * Merge method and merging for friction loss and material not working correctly * 'Assign to Nearest feature' not working correctly * The "Roughness" for the merged pipe is wrong when the merge method is not weighted average | Fixed |
Misc | * Various updates of documentation and error messages, minor corrections on dialogs * Various translation strings updated * Autoscaling of axis in longitudinal profile improved and default drawing option for discharge changed * Easy way of copying status codes into MU (new feature) * Improvement of performance when choosing to plot a time series from the list of available time series * If selecting a catchment in the dialog while e.g. the time area dialog was also open could cause termination * The ID displayed when plotting a time series from a dfs2 sis not clear * The SWMMotu2MVwin tool-program does not handle the SWMM option for link level in absolute elevation correctly * ArcGIS 10.1 SP1: Adding Statistics layer and then plot the LP will make MIKE URBAN crash * Select of Dead-End pipes not working correctly * When selecting curve type from "MOUSE | Runoff Models | Parameters Time Area" - the list would display all curve types in the model. * Scenario manager: Change of scenario with database upgraded from previous version to 2012 could cause termination if scenarios were changed in the scenario manager * Problems when unselecting elements or inverting selections if selection was done in specific way | Changed/Fixed |
Module/type | Error/Inconvenience/New feature | Status |
Import/export | * Issues in the 2011 release with topology creating ‘null’ records fixed * Options in Advanced/Wizard being slightly different | Fixed |
Simplification | * Node will not be removed if definition of flow path changes in links exiting the node * Other values can be considered as missing (not only NULL) | Changed |
Model configuration | * Tolerance for geometry now follows tolerance of database * Possibility to choose data models to use in the model configuration * Changes done in secondary tables (e.g. table with values for tabular data) will be taken into account | Changed/Fixed |
SWMM | * Send Data functionality from SWMM to MOUSE data model expanded and improved * [Tags] and [Vertices] included in import/export operations | Changed |
WD | * Local reaction rates for tanks and pipes are now specified in the tank and pipe editor directly (and not in a separate dialog) * Export of local reaction rates to inp-file corrected * Importing rule-based controls from an ASCII file improved to handle longer strings * Kalender für Zeitprofile abgeschafft (eventuell auch in einem der Service Packs) | Changed/Fixed |
Misc | * Various updates of documentation and translation strings in localised versions of MIKE URBAN * Corrections from service packs following the 2011 release are included in the 2012 release * Additional error and warning messages * Minor corrections in longitudinal profile display * Time series tab removed from TOC. Functionality is replaced by the new feature ‘Calibration Reports and Plots’ * List of data types in time series editor reduced to types actively being used in MIKE URBAN * Additional checks in the project check tool * If background layer is not found in the path where it used be (red exclamation mark in TOC) you can easily update the path | Changed/Fixed |